The Road to 50k


I’m 10 days into the NaNoWriMo 2022 writing challenge. I should technically be at 16, 667 words to stay on the “path to success”. Well, I’m not there but you know what? That’s ok. This is the first time I’ve put in work to write the novel I’ve been talking about writing for years. And my attitude? I have 13,501 more words on this novel than I had on October 30. So, take that “path to success” - I’m still a winner. I may be behind but you know what? I’m still hanging in there!

Psssstttt…I wonder if I can count the words of this blog post as part of my word count for today????????

I know, I know….I can’t.

Peace out and much love to you all - Enchantee


Day 17: 20k words and counting


NaNoWriMo 2022